Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Many Thanks to Leslie...
for helping with the kayak today. I managed to cut the cloth on the kitchen floor early today.

We put a lot of cloth and resin on that boat; and she is starting to look good.

More pics as we progress.

Paddle safe...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Alien Space Visitation at GLSKS...
Nothing was heard during the night, although some locals reported that at about 2 am their pets acted in unusual ways. One business man, who lives near the beach, did call the police around that time to report a "intense, low-pitched humming sound." The following morning, the following structure was found on the beach.

As you all know, it is likely that our first intergalactic contact will come in a mathematical formal since math is a universal language. All of the above, along with the appearance of the symbol "Pi" makes it almost certain that aliens visited the Great Lakes Sea Kayak Symposium during the night. None remained for rolling lessons.

Paddle safe...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cindy  Scherrer told me to shove it...
In kayaking, as in medicine, I never miss the opportunity to learn when experts are available. So, when the Scherrers appeared at the Door County Sea Kayak Symposium I sought out their advise. My question concerned teaching draw strokes and stopping students from raising that top hand above their shoulders thus endagering their shoulders and lifting the working blade partially out of the water.

Cindy simply suggested that I tell them that they need to shove the water under the hull when drawing,. I tried it a bunch of times while teaching during the weekend and saw phenomenal results. Thank you, Cindy.

Paddle safe...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


...can be frustrating, no matter the subject. Every now and then, however, you have a small class (intro to sea kayaking) with enthusiastic paddlers who just seem to get it. After a few short hours on the water you get to sit back and take pleasure in the results.
It feels good to impart new skills and know that there are some new, safe paddlers out there.

Paddle safe...