Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pop Quiz
Which of the following is NOT heard during a sea kayak symposium?
   a, rotation, rotation, rotation
   b, elbows up on a low brace
   c. elbows down on a high brace
   d. reload

Think you have the right answer? Well, if you chose a, b, c or d, you're wrong. The right answer is e (implied), none of the above. At the Grand Marais symposium there is always a race consisting of staff-participant teams. It starts with a dash to the boats,
 has a rather bizarre route
and requires that the racers endure the water torture section of the course.
It is in this section that Steve Scherrer could be heard urging the young folks to "reload". It was also hear that some "adults" went nuclear with buckets. No one died.
Next time, study for these quizzes.

Paddle safe...

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