Surgery is always serious:
Seeing a loved one go into surgery is always hard and how one feels at that moment depends a lot on the faith one has in the operating surgeon. So, as I wished my beloved Romany well, I was a bit worried by the organization and level of sterilization of the operating room. Then, I reminded myself that my HMO wanted it done in my garage, a poor second choice.
Dr. Leslie seemed to have the fine surgical instruments needed for such delicate surgery and, when I peeked into the OR, she was using the most delicate of techniques to gently remove one of the Romany's organs...its seat (seatectomy).

All went well and Romany is fine. The seat was sent to the pathologist for diagnosis. We have yet to learn whether we need to try and repair the seat (stem cells anyone?) or get a closed cell foam donor. More to follow.
Paddle safe...
Dick, I have just read about your seatectomy. My thoughts are with you. I work in the OR so I know these things can be touch and go. Was it an emergent situation or was there time for a second opinion? You don't want just any yahoo working on your seat. In any case, keep us updated on whether the reconstruction was successful or if you're on the waiting list for a donor.
Dick, I just read about your seatectomy. My thoughts are with you. I work in the OR so I know how these things can be touch and go. Was it an emergent situation or was there time for a second opinion? You don't want just any yahoo working on your seat. In any case, keep us updated on whether the reconstruction was successful or if you are on the waiting list for a donor.
Dick, I just read about your seatectomy. My thoughts are with you. I work in the OR so I know how these things can be touch and go. Was it an emergent situation or was there time for a second opinion? You don’t want just any yahoo working on your seat. In any case, let us know if the reconstruction is successful or if you are on the waiting list for a donor.
It was semi urgent; and I knew my seat was in good hands :-)
Tomorrow we will attempt to see if a donor seat is a good match.
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