Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is There a Fungus Among Us?
Perhaps you've seen this before, but I have not. This Werner paddle (a great paddle) had been stored in the cockpit of one of my boats for a few weeks. The boat was in the garage. There was no unusual weather. When I went to retrieve the paddle, this is how it looked.

I don't know what caused the white coating. It is pretty hard, and I can barely scrape it off. The paddle still works just fine and does not appear to flex or have any other abnormal characteristics. Any ideas?

Paddle safe...


mk said...

I'm thinking some sort of oxidization with the resin because it got too hot.

gnarlydog said...

Silbs, the same white chalky film has occurred on some of my sea kayaks, inside the cockpit.
The resin in this case is vinylester, not epoxy like the Werners.
Eventually rubbed off with use...

Silbs said...

Interesting. It was in the cockp it of my Romany. I used it today, and some of the white stuff seemed to come off.