Tuesday, November 17, 2009

'Tween Time
It's not winter here--yet, and it sure as heck isn't summer any more. It's 'tween time. Okay, I know some of you want to tell me that it is fall or autumn, that time of year when the trees are in various stages of shedding their foliage. But, at least to me, fall is that pretty part of the year that flashes by at the end of summer. It is that time when shockingly beautiful colors decorate all the trees. Then there is usually a rainstorm or two and, suddenly, it's 'tween time.You can see it in the steely sky and feel it when deciding how to dress to paddle. The water is below 50 F, and dry suits are the dress of the day. Still, the air temp is often 5-10 degrees higher, so plan on sweating bullets while hoping you don't fall into the drink. Soon enough it will be time to take out the heavier neoprene mittens and think about a head covering that shields the nose from the wind.

It's a little like those 'tween years that fall somewhere just after puberty and are over (for some of us) by age 20. It's hard to define, but you know it when you see it...and, it can be difficult to tolerate.

Paddle safe...

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