Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When Life Is Too
Much With You
I don't know where or when I first read that expression. It applies, as far as I know, to one who is so busy doing that they have little time for being. If I have the meaning right, it describes where I am just now.

Teaching two lectures and a lab (at two universities) on Tuesdays and Thursdays isn't all that much, but the preparation necessary (they are all first time courses for me) sucks up my time, energy and attention like a black hole. I constantly worry about being ready for the next lecture or exam. I take the work seriously, and the welfare of my students is important to me. Then there is the hand grading of 24 papers (at one university, I have a teaching assistant who administers and machine grades the 100 tests). There are, of course, the endless e mails from students and all sorts of small fires to put out. The point is, it occupies my consciousness. On top of this, I often do weekend trips to lecture on a CME course in cardiology (I was in Denver this past weekend). I am at the point that I don't even notice the boats in the garage as I set out in the morning.

It has made me stale in some ways while stimulating me in others. One thing that has suffered is this blog. With less on water time and fewer boat experiences, I have had fewer bright ideas for postings. Even my photography is hibernating. The picture of JB (above) is from 2006. Clearly, I need to get my balance (no pun intended) back.

It may be as simple as finishing the terms. Doing the courses again next year would be a lot easier as I would have the routine down, not to mention all my power point presentations. Maybe it means really retiring and risking lots of boredom. Decisions, decisions. I tell you, it feels like the world is too much with me.

Paddle safe...


JohnB said...

Whew! When I saw today's title and my picture I got worried.

Miamaria said...

Lovely colors on that photo.

Silbs said...

Thanks, Miamaria.
JB, I would have phoned if it was that bad.