Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Got up around 6 a.m.

It's quiet, at least in the house. My wife and one of my grand kids (granddaughter) are asleep upstairs. Just now I Heard the coffee stop percolating and will soon have my first cup of the day.
There won't be a sunrise. I hear thunder and the sound of generous sized rain drops plopping on the sidewalk outside my window. The weather map looks ugly but will hopefully improve so I can teach my afternoon class. Other wise, I have the whole day to meet an old friend in extended care and to hang with my family.

I enjoy these lazy slow-paced days of summer, but I am aware that I will soon be working on lectures and syllabi and answering often heard questions from students at the university. I have a full life and consider myself blessed. I wish as much for you.

Paddle safe...

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