Tuesday, March 09, 2010

OK, So I'm Back
The good new is that I got out for a short paddle today. Lovely ice formations and fog were the setting. I have other pics, but photo shop may have died on my computer.
On the other hand, the vacation did little to refresh me or, for that matter, cheer me up. The fog today was appropriate and symbolic. I do not know when it is supposed to clear.

Paddle safe...


JohnB said...

so the glass is half empty . . . still.

avital said...

Put some music!!!!

Anonymous said...

awww...that is terrible. i hope your mood is better soon. fog is a good thing though, because when it lifts, the mood usually goes with it.


RoyM said...

Prescription...Canoeacopia...surounded by thousands of paddlers:>)

talk and think paddling....like minded people

Just a few more weeks until open water...

Best Wishes

Silbs said...

Thanks all. The fog, cold and sleep issues have gotten to me...temporarily. Off to the big show in a few hours. Come to think of it, my medical insurance should cover the trip :)

Unknown said...

Brrrrrrrrrr! We went out in the dingy this morning after the thunder and heavy rain finished. The sun was trying hard to break thru the clouds. I put on all my foul weather gear, but didn't even need it...on the way out. The other side of the front hit us on the way back and we got pounded and thoroughly drenched by waves. I'm afraid to take my SLR out on the water. I need a cheapy waterproof something. Any ideas for me on that score?

Silbs said...

There are waterproff cases which cost more than your SLR. There are also dry bags that work with some models. Finally, you can google "waterproof cameras" such as the W30. They work well.