Wednesday, February 02, 2011

 So, a storm of historical proportions has hit our area. The interstates are closed. Wind has been gusting to over 40 knots, and there is drifting snow everywhere. Once again, Mom Nature has shown Her ability to dominate my life. She has, after all, kept me off the lake this year with her ice making abilities. But I digress.   
It began, for me, yesterday. The university closed at 4pm, the same time I usually lecture on pathophysiology. Since my semester consists of 3 mini courses, I have to stay on schedule. This means that on Thursday (if She lets us have class) I need to do a double lecture in one hour so we can hold the exam scheduled for next Tuesday (you following this?).

   Knowing I had today off, I figured I would put on my snow shoes, get the paper and enjoy a leisurely breakfast  (Man plans, G-d laughs). While trying to put on the snow shoes, a binding broke...okay, no snow shoes. I waded into knee-high drifts and made my way to the mail box where, of course, there was no paper. Back to the garage, now with wet socks. And so it went from then on. Lady Linda said we have enough groceries so we can stay in today (she's still asleep). Well, we don't have my favorite omelet veggies. Then, I discover I was low on coffee beans. I did, however, find a can of chicory coffee I had once  bought in New Orleans. There was a satisfying hiss as I opened was still "fresh".
Okay, I am over my snit after an omelet, toast and surprisingly good coffee. I suppose that the paper will eventually show up. I do have all day to write my exam and prep for other lectures. It helps that I have some old pics to enjoy. They bring with them memories of warmer times.

Paddle safe...

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