Monday, March 31, 2008
I cannot believe how much the driving, the interruption in daily routine, the early hour bottles and the endless diaper changes have taken out of me. Had a hard time falling asleep, but I finally got in 8 hours. Still, I am dragging. I do, on the other hand, have wonderful memories of a weekend with Joseph, my daughter and my son in law. Oh yes, there are the some 200+ images I have to go through to find the winners.
On another note, I just had a phone conversation with a friend of mine (whom, for reasons that will become apparent, I cannot name) who works at a marine biology facility (which, for reasons of a promise I cannot name). They are onto something new, and he said he would let me in on a little of it later this afternoon. I don't know exactly what is going on, but he indicated it had something to do with a marine microbe and, knowing my interest in boats over the years, he was sure I'd be interested...although not necessarily happy about their discovery. More as soon as I know more.
Paddle safe...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
On another note: Some time ago I posted that I was going to try to attempt to lose weight. The inactivity of the winter and the medicating with food was becoming too much. Well, I was 178 when I posted that. This morning the scale dipped below 170 for the first time in a while. I weighed 162 in high school and would at least like to see how things look at 165. So about 8 pounds of me has disappeared.
Hey, I gotta' go.
Paddle safe...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
To begin, I would be back in the game (that could be both good and, on the other hand, tiresome). I do some educational work now, but do miss the stimulation of practice. More than that, I miss the patients, and I miss the sense of feeling useful that practicing medicine can provide in a way like no other.
Secondly, the assignment is in good paddling country. I would have my evenings free, and the daylight will go well into the late hours for several months. Finally, it is an area to which Lady Linda could find things to do should she decide to accompany me for a week.
I can do as many or as few weeks a month as I wish (if this all pans out), so I would not have the old fear of loss of control of my life. During my years in practice I was on 24/7 and literally could not go to the bathroom without a phone or beeper. Planning anything became a mocking torture as I never knew when the alarm would go off and send me rushing to the hospital to open a clogged coronary artery.
Part of me fears even the loss of a little of the freedom and free time to do as I wish, when I wish. It is, in the end, a trade off, but one I am considering strongly. I will know more in a few days. So, for now, I will go paddling today. After all, it's my day off.
Paddle safe...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Spring is reality, not just on the calendar. Warmth will happen. Mother Nature will do it all over, and she will do it all over us. I (you, we) have gotta' believe. It's what keeps us going as the last tenacious days of winter try one last time to tear out our souls and freeze our butts.
Soon, it will be warm and, with no freezing temps to bitch about, and I will begin to worry about how fast the summer is going.
Paddle safe...
Monday, March 24, 2008
It's on the radio and in the papers here today. Unless someone out there is very old (like 130 years), there is no one alive around here that has seen a winter with more snow fall than the one we're having now. Isn't that special? Less mentioned were the endless days of sub-freezing temps and what it has done to this winter's paddling opportunities.
Not one to waste an opportunity, two of us (Bob and I) got out on Lake Michigan yesterday for a relaxed paddle. As we were both over fifty (and one over 65), we spent the first half of the paddle complaining about stiffness, aches and pains. At the turn around, we poked into the open waters, felt the gentle surge and decided we were cured. The ride back was splendid and mind-healing.
Hurray for the two of us.
Paddle safe...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Good show
I felt like I was muscling the boat and using much too much paddle and not enough hip. My muscles were protesting even though they hadn't done much. There was no sense of accomplishment.
This morning my traps ache, it is 26F with a promise of 32. The sun isn't quite up or is hiding in the clouds, and I am debating if I want to make the group paddle scheduled about 3 hours from now. I am going to get the morning paper (I read the funnies and the editorials and can't tell them apart), have something to eat and then decide whether or not to shlep the equipment out of the garage. I do know that, should I go, I will be taking the Romany and a Euro paddle. I would be going mainly to see if last night got the gremlins out of my system.
Paddle safe...
Saturday, March 22, 2008
When I went to this site and read a fine article on making paddles.
The surprise was the picture was of I'd used on my blog in the past. While imitation is supposed to be the height of flattery, I wondered how it had gotten there. A lot of photographers stamp PROOF over their pictures or post them with so few pixels so they cannot be copied. Most of us, when asked, are happy to share a photo (and ask for a mention of who took it). Hmmmmmmmmmm. The caption claims I am using a certain brand of paddle, but it is, in fact, a Mitchel.
Paddle safe...
Friday, March 21, 2008
What A Difference a Day Makes
The big blue spot on the radar is converging over our little area in the Midwest. Snow has already dusted my driveway (and the Blazer that lives on the street). They tell us we could get another 15 inches of snow and that there may even be "thunder snow" later today. Well kiss my snow blower.
My two days of paddling this week were like giving a hemorrhaging patient a transfusion of blood from a patient with anemia. It helped, but it wasn't nearly enough. So now, all of us in these parts (all of us who paddle...but I digress) have to get out the phone list and arrange yet another meeting of the local Summer will Happen In Time support group...and, it better.
Paddle safe...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
His Magic Thingamajig
Roy was at Canoecopia and, as usual, he had his latest gizmo with him. I knew he had developed a Greenland paddle that utilized one of the commercial paddling company's joints to fashion a take apart paddle. In fact, I believe that Mark Rodgers produces them at Superior Kayak.This time, however, he had a 5 (5, count 'em, 5) part paddle housed in a roll up bag. It had a hefty feel and allowed for different sized looms for different paddlers. Clever, yes. Traditional? Well, not in the traditional sense of the word. I do wonder if there is a market for such an idea.
Paddle safe...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
For the second day in a week (this year's out door record...but I digress), I was able to get out on the lake, this time alone. I took a Greenland stick and my trusty Romany with the intention of goofing around, practicing strokes and gently testing my rotator cuff. The ice in the harbor had begun to break up, and large chunks floated about creating the equivalent of gunk holes.
It was a pleasant paddle during which I had the place to myself, forgot about the city ashore and poked around to my heart's content. It should always be so nice.
Paddle safe...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I admit it. Having been off the water for so long, I milked Canoecopia for topics. So, here is (probably) the last post on that event.
Some with advanced degrees.
There were husbands at risk.
There was so much to see that folks had to strategize in order to see everything.
And...there was the next generation of paddlers.
Finally, it is done.
Paddle safe...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Swung Open
Doug, equally inane with joy, eschewed the boat entirely in his haste to reunite with the liquid form of H2O.Eventually, he calmed down and realized he had to paddle if he was going to make forward progress.And me? I was just glad to feel the ache in my shoulders as invisible chunks of ice slammed against the Romany's hull. There is hope for us all.
Paddle safe...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I still have some ramblings to get out, but I will save them for another time. Back Monday.
Paddle safe...
Friday, March 14, 2008
Some of the children would sit and tell me about their day and what they had done in school. One or two began addressing me as "Dad" which was both flatterring and disconcerning. It told me that some of the other parents in the area were not home as much as their children would have liked them to be. I hope that by Lady Linda and I sort of filling in that we provided a good model of family life.
In any event, I once again had the fun of experiencing the energy of a group of young ladies as the Girl Scouts' cookie table was next to our symposium desk.Full of delightful energy, and in constant motion, their exuberance made the long hours on my feet more tolerable. The groups had short shifts, so we got to see a lot of them. I did note that there was always a few moms there to supervise these happy young people. On another note, I believe they sold a lot of cookies. I know that I saw them eating their share. Youth, is it wasted on the young?
Paddle safe...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
He is now famous, of course, for his circumnavigation of Ireland during which he sampled the wares of many a pub. At the recent Canoecopia, Sam gave one of the most informative, entertaining and engaging presentations I have ever attended. His wonderful humor (delivered with the timing that is the envy of late night talk show hosts) and his power point presentation kept held our attention throughout the all too short hour.
Using maps and images he took along the way, he related bits history, geography, seamanship, navigation and an intimate look into the people of the land.
If you missed it, I am sorry. I do hope we will be seeing more of him in this role. Truly a talented man, in many ways.
Paddle safe...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Don't let his appearance fool you. He is a soft spoken man with a gentle handshake, and he is strong as a bull. If you are not familiar with Greenland rope exercises you may never have seen a man lift his weight off the ground back and forth over the ropes...with one finger. Not only can Dubside do that, but he has won the Greenland ropes championship (in Greenland, of course). But his true forte' (for us admirers) is his rolling abilities.
Dubside, as he points out in his DVD (Greenland Rolling with Dubside...Volume One available at practices yoga to get the flexibility that has allowed him to wow us time and time again, as he did at Canoecopia this past weekend. (He told us that Vol. 2 will be out soon).
In a small pool, he gave a demo of amazing control including rolling without putting out a hand held candle (he also did it with a brick in the other hand). Personal, I loved the way the non traditionalists bought his explanation of the air scull. In that maneuver the paddle sticks straight up out of the water and sculls only in air as Dubside essentially does a roll using the torque of his lower body. Before doing it, however, he took time to tell us how the paddle used the air the same way it does when in the water. Sure.
If you see that name again (it's Dubside), and he's doing a demo, don't miss it. The 100 of us lucky enough to get into the pool venue were, as always, treated to a sight of incredible skill and good humor.
Paddle safe...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Paddle safe...
Thursday, March 06, 2008
For those of you who have lived in isolation for the past decade, ethanol is (as are most words in chemistry that end in -ol) an alcohol. It is made from grains, mainly corn, and is slowly being introduced into our automotive fuel to, supposedly, improve pollution. What we have here is a case of incredibly bad science and politics (I use the P word for compositional purposes only).
1. Ethanol is made from corn and, since recent laws governing its use have been passed, the price of corn has done nothing but go up.
2. One effect of #1 is an increased cost to raise cattle. Right now, farmers are reducing the size of their herds and, when that has been done, we can expect the price of meat to soar.
3. As it turns out, ethanol is, at best, not the greatest thing to burn in your engine.
4. Because of the processing and transportation involved, ethanol apparently ends up increasing pollution.
5. As the price of gasoline goes up, it is harder for some of us to do trips or drive to Madison to a net loss.
So, why are we having ethanol foisted upon us? Well, as I've always told my daughters...when something doesn't make sense, the answer is money. Someone somewhere is spreading an awful lot of it around to make this misdirected effort happen. Who? Well, if I discussed that I would be talking politics, and I don't do that.
Paddle safe...
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Ready The Soul
So, first the pole will require some scraping and sanding. Workers will be preparing the tools they will need to get the pole back as close to new as they can. I, on the other hand, need to get the mental tools ready along with my kit. Step one for me, go to Canoecopia this weekend. Hang with JB, Derrick and some of the other bloggers who have said they will be there. Buy something, anything, to get the blood and cash flowing toward paddling. My mind, I realize, may be my best tool for the job, so this ain't going to be easy.
Next, they will paint that pole, and I will clean up the boats that haven't been used very much lately. I need to tighten the deck lines on the Romany and get the canvas SOF rinsed with a weak bleach solution...unless, of course, I take it to the last pool session.
OK, so the analogy is weak (as is the writing this morning), but it is all I have to keep me afloat until I can float my boat.
Paddle safe...
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
concluding thoughts
Among them was a reminder how "nice" folks can quickly change and bring a liable suit when someone in their family is injured, especially if it is a young person and/or a bread winner. He took time to go through what an attorney needs to show in order to successfully sue someone in such a situation. While reading his mail, I thought about another aspect of all this.
If you were to be sued, even if you won the litigation, the expense of defending yourself could bankrupt you. ACA (and, I assume, BCU) classes at least have insurance available. Some home owners' also offer coverage for volunteered acts. Still, there is the emotional component of being the subject of such an action.
Those sorts of law suits don't go away in days or even months, but can often drag on and drain one of their enthusiasm. It's all enough to scare the hell out of a person. Now, for me, here is the biggest downside of all. Carrying such a concern can bring paralysis. A paddler of experience and with credentials can become so concerned with it all that the worry becomes the over riding thought when paddling in a group. That's when it stops being fun. That's when some will withdraw from the group only to paddle alone or with other instructors. But what happens if one of those instructors is injured or lost during a group Paddle? Where's the aspirin?
Paddle safe...
Monday, March 03, 2008
In the current issue of the magazine, a reader writes to say that someone in the group should have waited and paddled with the man who eventually was lost. The writer acknowledges the need for us each to have self-sufficient skills but that we also need to act like a group and take care of one another. I agree...and part of me doesn't.
First of all, I don't like to should anyone. Yes, it would have been best if someone had, in fact, waited to paddle with the ill fated man. Yes, we make a habit of looking over one another's gear to check that PFD's are zipped and skirts and hatches sealed. Often, we even suggest to less skilled paddlers that the conditions might not be safe for them. When all is said and done, however, each of us must evaluate our skills, the conditions, the risk to reward ratio and make a go-no-go decision on our own. That's what happened in California. That time, the decision was fatal.
If you want to get into pop psychology and control issues, I suppose you could say that a "needy" paddler, or one that is chronically late and/or ill equipped, can hold a group hostage by making them paddle on his or her terms and times and force the group to accept responsibility for the not-ready-for-prime-time paddler (I, in no way, suggest that this was the case in California).
One of our local instructors once commented on how she felt an onus of responsibility during our informal Sunday morning paddles because there were so few other instructors in the group. It seemed, to her, that there was an unspoken and subtle feeling that those of us who were instructors would assume the lead and be responsible for all the others.
Sadly, the man chose to paddle alone and without adequate skills. Sadly, he was lost. That's really the bottom line, and that's going to continue to happen as long as so many people take to the water in small crafts.
Paddle safe...