Wednesday, May 16, 2007

One Man's New Window On The World
If you haven't been following it, I highly recommend catching up on the back blogs (BB to us professionals...but I digress) by Derrick Mayoleth, the Baraboo Blogger. He, of paddle and pen fame, has been in Whales (that is some what east of Boston) doing BCU training and romping with the beautiful kayak people.
In his writings, I get the sense of wonder and adventure and excitement that comes of such a journey. Derrick is a complicated guy and, sometimes (as the poet said), life is too much with him. I can tell from his pieces that he has been out there these past several days and has spread his wings. Free of the day to day, he first has come to realize that he can lift his leg high and run with the big dogs. Then, free to roam and explore and let his little creative brain go wild, he has been looking inside and out.
But you can read this all for yourself. To miss it is to miss a chance to journey with a fine man and to get to know him better.
Paddle safe...

1 comment:

Michael said...

I agree, Dick. It's a pity he only gave himself 2 weeks. I don't feel it was long enough to give us all we want to learn about the area...