Monday, May 21, 2007

Paddle Fest '07
In the History Books
Congratulations to Sherri Mertz for another well run Paddle Fest. Sherri, a well known paddler and instructor around the Milwaukee area, is the force behind this annual project. It consists of a big sale in the main store, seminars, a film festival and demo boats that attract the largest contingent of arm-paddlers ever assembled.
A Lake Michigan launch and paddle to the harbor, then up the river to the store, was planned for Sunday morning. A chill factor of 31F and a whooping Nor' Easter changed that to a pre-breakfast sojourn up and down the mighty (dirty) Milwaukee River. Safety boats were manned through out the test paddle period by smartly dressed and handsome young-at-heart men. Now, on to the Symposiums (and, I didn't digress...even once).
Paddle safe...


Ron said...

Its always great fun as a safety boater .. watching the folks paddle by with paddles upside down, swinging away at the water ... then someone comes alone who is truely exited about trying this new paddle sport. Makes it fun!

Silbs said...

Exactly so. There were, indeed, some delightful people out there.

Alex said...

"largest contingent of arm-paddlers ever assembled"

lol, nice. :)