Paddle safe...
. . . WELCOME PHOTOGRAPHERS, PADDLERS AND DREAMERS If there be magic on the planet, the magic is in the water (ANON)
I am resolving to start looking ahead as a way of avoiding suicidal thoughts. I need to hold on until the vitamin C and all my antigens beat this thing out of me. Then, hopefully, there will be that new day when the temperature goes above freezing. On that day, neighbors, long thought gone, will appear on drive ways, and we all admire the salt damage done to each of our cars.
Further down the road, the ice packs (which, as I speak, protect us from invaders from the Michigan side) will crack and float off. If it works out well, we will have (for the second time in 5 years) a warm day to paddle amongst the floating bergs.So, that's enough fibbing to myself. The coffee is ready, and I have lesson plans to do.
Paddle safe...
While others practiced rescues, Greg (of strip boat fame) was in one of Sherri's short boatsDoing his thing.Now, I got to go to work.
Paddle safe...
Now, off to Greg and Jennifer's place for a kayak breakfast get together.
Paddle safe...
Don't you just want her? I DO!
Paddle safe...
...I worked in that trip to visit my grandson (and the two adults with whom he lives) last week. I am already looking ahead a few weeks when he and his mom and his aunt and his uncle will be spending a few days with us here in Milwaukee (Glendale).
Paddle safe...
With the growing interest in Greenland style rolling and skin on frame boats, I believe there may be a big market out there for a glass version of the real deal. For now, however, my garage is full and my buy-a-kayak-fund is empty, and I shall stick with what I have...and keep reading those ads.
Paddle safe...
The title brings two subjects to mind. One, of course, is face book, a phenomena that amazes and bemuses me. I have a page, all sorts of friends (some of whom I actually know), a family tree with more members than the population of Canada, and I belong to various groups including a kayak group that posts in French. Lots to look at.
(me in my Peter Strand SOF)
I start teaching Thursday then head for a weekend with my grandson and, I suppose, his parents. Perhaps it will be in the 70's when I return. Then, again, maybe, pigs will fly.
Paddle safe...
Before We Kiss It Good Bye
Last evening, Lady Linda and I had supper with Pat and Fred at their house. Fred had had a hernia repair that morning, and we were there for moral support (and pizza). After the meal, Fred and I slouched in front of his 5000" HD TV and came upon a program that over a period of two hours showed in detail the 7 most likely ways we will all be wiped off the earth. Every thing from comets to Yellow Stone erupting, to nuclear war to global warming and so on. Had I known what we were going to watch I would have loaded up on antidepressants a head of time. So, this morning I just need something to cheer me up. My grandson could do that.
Paddle safe...
More than that, it is a peaceful time for the soul, almost like a hiatus in life during which there are no responsibilities or expectations. A time for the soul just to be.
What a gift.
Paddle safe...
Each year I find it harder and harder to go out on cold days, yet I don't want to join the ranks of those seasonal paddlers who are off the water almost half of the year. Instead, I wait for temps to rise near the freezing mark, attend pool sessions and keep busy with my teaching duties. I also meet frequently with friends just to have coffee and human contact (JB, you've been gone too long). Like most of you, I look forward to things like the symposiums, Canoecopia and other events where there are lots of kayaks and lots of folks with wonderful and positive energy. Not a bad prescription from an old doc, huh?
Paddle safe...
And some just fall asleep with boredom. For me, it was the first time on the water in quite a while and the first since surgery. I was happy with how things went. I did many rolls, hit an off (other) side roll, sculled well and did a few angel (butterfly) rolls, all with a Euro paddle (as I'd forgotten my sticks). My right shoulder feels it a bit this morning. Next time, I ought to take the a skin on frame.
Paddle safe...
If you don't see any thing wrong with the picture, come take a lesson or two.
Paddle safe...