Monday, June 22, 2009

Back from Inland Sea
Sea Kayak Symposium

Just back from the symposium and over 900 miles on the road with JB. Fantastic time but, as I am still swamped with class and exam prep, I will just give a taste here.I want you to know that we instructors work harder than anyone else to hone our skills. So, we started a day and a half early for an instructors' update workshop presented by Living Adventures who puts on the symposium. We discussed new teaching techniques and the ones we need to let go. Then, fearlessly, we launched for an on the water/land navigation exercise.Braving all, we went about finding notes located by headings given to us. Each note took us to the next until we landed on an island and followed instructions there.
Unfortunately, some suffered severe blood loss from the misquitoe attacks on the island.

More as the week goes on.

Paddle safe...

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