Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Meet The Paddler
It was good to see Rick on the water this past Sunday. He is relatively new to paddling, and chose to go outside (the breakwater) into 1-2 foot chops. More over, they were on the beam, something that a new paddler might find a bit scary.

I've actually known Rick for years. He is a gerontologist and was, for some time, my mother in law's doctor. He and his wife are avid bicyclists and usually do a long pedal on Sundays. They are both people you would enjoy being with as they are upbeat and friendly.

Rick and I paddled the second half back together, and I asked him if he had been comfortable on the outside. He said he had, but relaxed and let the boat do its thing. Perfect. As soon as the water warms a tad, he's going to learn to roll; and, I suspect, he will do so quickly.

Paddle safe...

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