Monday, January 12, 2009

Laying Around the Pool
That usually conjures up images of being at a resort or, at least, next to the pool on a cruise ship. Around here, however, stacks of shore ice have now kept us off the lake for weeks (going on months), so the only pools we hang out in are indoors. So it was yesterday afternoon.

Doug caught some pics of me, the one above taken at the end of an angel (butterfly) roll. I was in my Peter Strand boat. Doug, Bob and myself were bracing and rolling and (they) re entering so much that we were essentially beat after an hour. Bob has become adept at a rodeo entry and has is the first person to talk me through it successfully ("Keep your feet apart!"). Doug, for his part, spent most of his time on rolls and sculls. I was able to capture this nest informative moment to help explain why one of the sculls was not working as well as it could. No matter, we have a severe weather watch (yes, I am going to bitch about the weather...again), and it looks as if it will be some time until we can get back onto the big lake. Meanwhile, I will settle for the pool, the warm water and the hot showers.
Paddle safe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that really looks like fun! and much warmer than the outdoor lakes! we keep hoping for some of your winter weather!