Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Sometimes I Sits and Thinks...
Sometimes I just sit. During these "down" months of short daylight, chilling winds and ice-bound shores, I find it hard to entertain myself. I get up early, look at e mail, go to the gym (most days) and then have hours to fill before going back to bed.

I do sit in meditation , but that only fills a short period...although it does have a longer lasting effect. Sometimes I look at DVD's in my kayak collection and take note of something to work on during the next pool session. Now, I have something new to fill the time. I have to do prep for two different college level courses I will be teaching.

In reviewing the material, I was surprised to see how much more there is to cover in the sciences since the days I first studied them (that was about when the famous Og invented fire). And, while I do enjoy teaching, I'd rather be doing it
in or on the water.

Paddle safe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

must be the day for sitting and thinking....