Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Always something
To Go Nuts Over
My search for the "perfect" paddle has ended, for now. I have ordered a Werner 230 Kalliste with a straight shaft. It would have been a more satisfying endeavor had not one of my blogs been misinterpreted by a good friend. His comments (to others and to me) confused me and set off at least one inappropriate comment by someone in our group (which I, apparently, was not supposed to see. Oh, well). That said, the search for the "perfect" boat is still on.

I had mentioned how I had paddled a Cetus and found much to like about it. Looks like Derrick paddled the same boat and liked it as much or more. We are both awaiting opportunities to get out in the Cetus in conditions to see how well it takes care of us. Perhaps that will happen at the Door County Sea Kayak Symposium if P&H brings one along.

Meanwhile, my old Romany is showing its age. The keel strip needs a redo, and there is some new crazing of the gel coat here and there. Thank goodness. For a moment I thought I had run out of things to worry about.

Paddle safe...



DaveO said...

My guess is that Mr. Brian will have a Cetus to play with in Washburn. As far as paddles, I guess I'm hooked on the skinny paddles and am playing with blade thickness, length, and other nuances. How would we idle our time away if we didn't have to worry about and discuss gear?

Silbs said...

Ah, someone who understands.

JohnB said...

We need a club house! A heated garage with bathroom (shower, not tub,)small kitchenette, high-speed internet connection, large screen TV, good sound system, and environmental controls for the dust and fumes. Oh, comfortable seating (chairs and sofas) upon to rest our weary bodies. Then we would have a place to work on our kayaks. Of course it should be on the water too!

Oh comfort and JOY!!!

Silbs said...

We're going to need a federal loan.