Gone Missing
The Growing Legend of JB
Although someone using his initials occasionally posts a comment to this site, my friend and mentor, John Browning may have been missing since February 12th of this year, the day he last posted on his blog site (we know it was him since only he knows the password...unless THEY have made him talk...but I digress). Go ahead, check for yourself. Ironically, that posting was about a missing paddler (are you getting thsi?). As with most unexplained disappearances, there have been many sightings (unprovable) of John in the past two months.
Twice there have been "sightings" of JB supposedly at Bella's Coffee Shop. These generally took place around 6:30 am, and it was said that John was wearing a tie, shirt and pressed slacks. The FBI has told me that at that hour most people aren't all that observant (hey, they haven't even had their coffee yet...but I digress). A few of these reports put JB in the company of another guy and, once or twice, with another guy and a lady (who one observer thinks "JB", or who ever it was, referred to her as Nydia).
Then there are several reports of him (get this) in an ambulance (with siren on, no less). Observers differ on just whether John was driving or riding shot gun, but all agree he had on some sort of official-ambulanc-guy shirt. One guy even said he was sure he saw John in an ambulance and watching the ball game at Miller Park.
Then, of course, some people think that they've seen him kayaking off South Shore launch area. Maybe so, but when questioned and shown pictures of JB, most of these folks become unsure that it was really him, many saying, "In those funny cloths all those guys look the same to me. Why do they go out on such cold days, anyway?"
An inside source (a cop I know) has told me that JB's wife, Oz, when questioned by the missing person police, said, "He might be gone. I hardly ever see him as it is. Come to think of it, his side of the bed sure looks neat." She is, reportedly, putting JB's kayak's up for sale on Craig's List, include the one he has been "test paddling" for the past two years.
Finally (and this is spooky), I have gotten e mails from someone signing JB to the notes. Who ever is sending this is perpetrating a cruel hoax. So, John, if your out there and you see this, put something on your blog site so we know you're okay. You know too much and have too much to share to not post ASAP.
Mean while, we will keep the vigil and anticipate JB's safe return, paddle and pen in hand.
Paddle safe...