Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sights of Summer
(On and Off the Water)
On of the true joys of summer is the eye candy that appears during the warm weather, both on and off the water. Now, before you jump to any conclusions, I am not talking about how lovely the ladies look in their summer attire, although that is also a plus. I am talking, for example, the sight of a young person deftly handling a gaff rigged pram.
And suave guys in the latest on the water Paris fashions.Happy couples camping in mosquitoes land.Swollen, fast running rivers.Early morning light filtering through the forest and herds of mosquitoes. And, of course...The ladies in their tasteful summer attire. Although, any woman (or guy) looks best in a kayak.Paddle safe...


D Winter said...

Very classic shot of Jennifer and Greg. Could that be a breakfast brownie that Greg is working on?

Jennifer makes the picture. Another few feet of lean and the picture would be perfect.

D Winter said...

Hey Greg, would you please make a life-sized cutout of Jennifer so I could improve the look of my picture?