Thursday, August 21, 2008

All "Growed" Up
Life never seems to turn out the way I thought it would. While bad things do happen now and then, things have tended to evolve in a wonderful fashion for me. Take Simon, pictured here as a pup. He is now all growed up and solid as a rock. His breathing sounds like a vacuum cleaner with a problem...but I digress. This is supposed to be about his adoptive mother.

I remember when her older sister had a febrile seizure and the scare that went with that. Well, older sister growed up just fine and is a mother of a 14 month old boy.

Daughter number 2 (Simon's adoptive mother) had numerous respiratory illnesses, developed asthma, had a severe bout of E-B virus and went through the pain of having her tonsils out as an adult. Still, she is all growed up and married. More to the point, she (along with number son in law #2) has announced that she is expecting next April.

Seems like just yesterday that I gave her that kayak lesson and paddled with her. Yes, I am blessed. They've all growed up, and nicely. Maybe it's my turn now.

Paddle safe...


JohnB said...

Are you saying that you are finally going to grow up?

Whoaaaa---There's a news flash!!!

Silbs said...

I was misquoted in the blog.