Sometimes The Magic Works...
,,,but, sometimes it doesn't!
In the end, of course, it isn't magic at all. It is like getting to Carnegie Hall: Practice, practice ,practice...and good form.l So? So, I have been watching our paddling community here in Milwaukee and been proud to see the growth in skills and teaching abilities amongst its members.In a way, I do Doug a disservice showing the second picture. He was exhausted at the time. The fact is, he has a wonderful modified sweep roll and is now practicing it in rougher and rougher waters. More over, he can do a rodeo reentry, something my body (read: groin) cannot do.
From time to time, I will be featuring others and their progress in paddling and teaching skills. I take great heart in their progress as, in my opinion, their skills make us all safer when out there.Paddle safe...
Looks like He sat up.
The roll is always done when You sit up.....not always completed, but done...
The more people that can roll, the better
Best Wishes
Roll, roll, roll your boat gently...
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