Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Behold, the Kayaker Who are they that alone, or in the company of like minded friends, launch their small crafts and point them toward places on the horizon? The ones who, alone in the evening, go down into their basements to lovingly assembly fine wood into fine and lovely boats?The one's who, with intention, tip over their fragile crafts in cold waters so they might practice the skills that may one day save their lives?
Who are the ones who make boats of simple things and follow in the footsteps of the Inuit who gave them gift of the kayak?
The ones who go out onto ice-clogged waters because they must paddle? Who are the one's who, first thing each day, check on the weather before thinking of having breakfast and then
look for conditions that will challenge, hopefully improve, their skills? Who are these men and women who, even ashore, gather to talk and share experiences and to learn from one another?
They are the one's in simple craft with often nothing more than a stick to propel them and right themselves should they tip. They are the one's who love and follow an old tradition and who love the water and their little crafts. They are the one's who live life fully. They are the one's who take risks and protect one another. Behold, they are the kayakers.
Paddle safe...


Unknown said...

and are proud to be one of them

Silbs said...

Thanks. Notice how I didn't spoil it by adding something like...and they have been frozen in their huts for months?