My Life Has Changed

Between the weather and the teaching responsibilities, I've gone from a care-free retiree who paddled when he wanted to a stay at home sit by the computer slug. Except for an occasional trip to the pool and diminishing trips to the gym, I hardly get outside, and then only to drive to one of the colleges where I teach. I even go long periods without thinking about or even wanting to paddle.
My tuilik drying in the next room (from the pool session) is the only sign of any activity. I haven't even sat down with JB for coffee in I don't know how many weeks (months?). I'm okay with it as I assume it will all pass with the first hint of warm weather. I will get into a rhythm for preparing lectures and will find time to paddle. But, what if I don't?

Paddle safe...
change is good, and soon you will be a carefree teacher and kayaker again. Is it still cold out your way?
It's difficult to paddle when the water is in a solid state, or even that slurpy state. Not to mention the hazards of the high ice shelf at water's edge. Combine that with the cold air, and the fact that much of your paddling during warmer times is alone, it would not be prudent to paddle now.
Once you get the first set of lesson plans behind you, future classes won't require quite as much prep, as long as you keep tweeking them so you don't get bored with teaching the same thing class after class.
But, not to get to the club for a workout, nor to find time to get to Brookfield for lunch or coffee over the noon hour (or hour plus), both are necessary for physical and mental well being!
As I told a patient on Saturday with a probable dislocated hip--"I'm sorry, I know this is going to hurt, we will be as careful and quick as we can be, but you are going to have to suck it up a bit!"
Fortunately we are not talking about picking you up off the floor of a restroom stall in a public building and you're not a 300 plus pound mold of jello. (Lucky that this person was in the handicap stall--a non-handicap stall wouldn't have worked for the four EMTs and patient, we'd still be there removing walls ;)
We had a day or two around the freezing point and it is now cold again. Supposed to warm this weekend.
JB: You don't write blogs that long :)
Spring is the time when a young man's fancy turns to.......paddling? Like my ski obsession, your angst will fade as snow turns to slop, ice turns black, the Maibock tap handles begin to show up at the pub, and those light green shoots begin poking out. Spring cures winter; every damn year!
Ah, DaveO. Ever the philosopher. Spring is also when an old man's fading memory turns to Geritol and stem cell research. So, we just keep paddling :0)
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