Better Than Finding a Pyramid
It's not even spring, but Lady Linda is already doing spring cleaning. Generally, that means throwing out old useless stuff. Around here it means throwing out all my good stuff.
While rummaging through what used to be a photographic dark room, she found "tons" of my old proof sheets and prints. Many are 11 x 14 inches, and what she hauled upstairs for my inspection weighed...well, a ton. As I went through them (I was to be allowed to save a few for keeps), a flood of memories washed over me. I came to realize the hundreds of hours I'd spent developing negatives, proofing them and working all evening, sometimes two, on a single print. I was also taken by the breath of subject material I'd covered over the years.

I recall, too, the many many people who allowed me the privilege of photographing them. They don't reproduce well here, but I've taken some pictures of pictures to give you a small glimpse.
Now, I need to go back down into that darkroom to rummage through the hundreds of images that have been waiting for a long time to be seen.
Paddle safe...
Of course one cannot help but notice the dashing good looks of this young gentleman. But even more obvious is the extremely high level of intelligence. Wouldn't you agree?
He was once a mere child!!!
Be kind. The picture was part of a series done at a special needs home. The folks were lovely and voluntered for the photos. I am graeful to them.
And I thought that that was a youthful photo of you!
I am mortified. I honestly thought that was a photo of you, Dick.
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