New and Improved...
My assI am a child of the 40's and 50's, back when there was no plastic or Saran Wrap. Now I live in a world where I can buy a product called ClingWrap which has only two problems: it doesn't wrap well and it sure as hell doesn't cling.
Things that we used to be able to fix ourselves or with a minimum of expense have gone the way of the Dodo bird. Now, we just throw it all away and get a replacement, and it is actually cheaper than fixing. We live in a disposable world these days (that sometimes, sadly, includes people...but I digress). Interestingly, we have created an industry to take care of that, as well. There is big money in garbage. Besides, land fills make decent ski hills.
And so it is with the electron. Google has provided us with Blog Spot, a free blogging site, and I am grateful to them. Recently, they changed the dashboard for creating blogs to a new and improved Beta dashboard. Wonderful. It is designed to do all sorts of great things. It seems, however, that it fails to do some basic things. I can almost never upload a photo using it, but I can always upload one using the old format.
I am not new, and you can't improve me. Now go try and improve a sunset.
Paddle safe...
I agree that Cling Wrap doesn't work, I use Saran Wrap which does.
I've spent many hours trying to fix things that are broken, only to lose my patience and break it beyond repair (ask Oz about the bath tub I was working on one time). I use to enjoy the challenge of "fixing" something, now I enjoy other challenges--like the water (wind and waves).
There was a time that I even changed my own oil--now I can't even get to the plug or the filter.
I've not had enough experience with the new blogspot to have photo upload failure--the one time I did it, it worked.
But, my ass has improved--since I've lost weight it is smaller than it was a year ago, and the exercising has also had an effect on my glutes!
I'm as good once as I was, but I'm not as good as I once was. . .
I'm dragging my feet about upgrading - the old one works fine for what I do with it.
now let's see if this comment gets rejected because I'm not using a Google signin...
Bonnie, this site rejects no one. Everyone, and all river rats, are welcome.PS: If it ain't broke...
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