Friday, January 26, 2007

When It Rains... pours. Referring to yesterday's post: I never got to have breakfast with Erv. His wife, Mary, called shortly after I posted to tell me that Erv's blood pressure was low, he had had a bad night and she wasn't sure how serious it was. Mary is bright and happens to be an RN, so I was concerned. I suggested 911 and a ride to the hospital. I will be calling her shortly for follow up.
Then, late last evening, I called my mother in law to discover that she had severe stomach pains and constant vomiting. My brother in laws went over and called me back. I suggested another ambulance ride. Haven't heard anything all night, so I am assuming the best. Just now, however, I need strong coffee and a quiet moment.
Paddle safe...

1 comment:

JohnB said...

Though not familiar with these specific cases, as an EMT I have become very familiar with these types of cases in the elderly. Hypotension in Erv and the "N&V" (leading to dehydration) in your mother-in-law require medical intervention. I'm glad to hear that in both instances there are people involved who recognized the seriousness of their respective condition and didn't just pass it off as the "flu". Their condition is already serious and requires medical intervention.

Now, for you sir—about that strong coffee. . .