Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I didn't know there would be a test
Synchronicity...again. Yesterday, Derrick's blog had linked a super article on taking care of one another when paddling in groups. Then, Ron left a comment on my "Pop Quiz" blog about not knowing there would be a test (quite clever, actually...but I digress). These two converging events were clearly a sign from above that I should comment on all the little pop quizzes that pop up in real life.
They're happening all the time, little test that life or other people give us. Sometimes they are of little consequence, and sometimes they are life and death situations. An example of an innocuous test is when you decide which movie to see. Biggest risk here is that you waste a few bucks and hours. Then there are the biggies, the tests, that if failed, can get you killed. An example is when a fellow's significant other asks, "Does this dress make me look fat?" Pop quiz, and your life on the line.
Paddling, of course, throws these challenges at us all the time. After a while we make the small decisions without much thought. Do I go out into the wind and have it at my back when I am tired and returning, or do I go straight out onto the water to see what is out there? Other times, it is the sudden capsize of a paddling partner. Sure, you've practiced it many many times on calm waters...and always meant to practice in waves...but never got around to it...and, suddenly, someone better know what to do.
I leave you with the advise of two well-known paddling groups (they could have been):
Boy Scouts of America: BE PREPARED.
Hill Street Blues: BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.
Paddle safe...


derrick said...

ahhh, that's my problem. . .

"Does this dress make me look fat?" Well, if your asking. . . yeah it does make you're bum look the the two proverbial bear cubs wresting in a sack. . ." Honesty has it's ups and downs. . .

DaveO said...

Nice link on group paddling. Lots of people seem to NOT have figured this out yet. The other irritating thing is when a straggler catches up its, "OK, you're here, lets go" when the poor SOB likely wants to catch their breath for a bit. If you decide you're a group you need to act like one. Learned that 'you are only as fast as your slowest member' in that paramilitry organization, the Boy Scouts.

Silbs said...

Most excellent comment, daveo. We've seen the poor "laggard" finally catch up only to have the group promptly move on before he or she has a chance to recharge. I would follow you into battle.