In Need Of A Change
It scares me to say it, but I'm in a rut. Ennui. Unstimulated...with paddling. There, I've said it. Lately, I find I am not enjoying my time in the boat. I am tired of long underwear, tugging on dry suits, avoiding rolling because of freezing water of questionable quality and paddling the same one or two places over and over. As I told JB the other day, I've become so familiar with the South Shore break water that I've begun to name the rocks.
I know that some of this is part of the winter blahs and likely to improve when (if) warm weather returns. Still, I feel sluggish, less interested and less motivated. Perhaps part of what I need (or, needed) was to say so out loud to someone else and to get it out there for me to deal with (not one of my better sentence structures...but I digress). So, there it is.
Just a few degrees elevation in water temps, at least up into the 40's. That would help. I know a change of scenery would. Maybe I can squeeze something in midweek. Tonight I will be giving my class their final exam, so I can free up some time soon. My schedule, however, is bursting with stuff, and it is close to the time to be on-deck for the birth of my grandson. Hey, that perked me up. Something awesome to look forward to.
Okay, I feel better already. I am ready for morning coffee and the cold dreary day fore casted for this area. Later, I will get out some maps, some charts and some touring books and see what is doing in Door County which, unfortunately, is north of here and colder. Maybe I will explore the possibilities in Illinois. At least that is south of here and, although it is the same lake, there definitely will be other scenery. Let me think on it.
Paddle safe...
I'd be tied up in a basket in some mental institution by now had I not gone to Florida this winter. Like you, I now wait for the water to open so I can paddle again. More rain/snow predicted for today... Yuck! Maybe if we all hold hands and jump at the same time, the Earth will wake up and give us Spring!
Hang in there, Silbs!
I'm hanging. I'm like you, lots (too many?) interests. I wonder where my Hans Christian 42 is now. I'll be okay once I start teaching again (my passion in all things. Mean while, I'm taking Michael's hand and jumping as high as I can :)
Paddle West young man-- I'm an hour 15 away from you... lakes streams creeks and rivers all craving to be paddled' Plenty of nice cofee shops too!!
go explore all the lakes in the area.
I just had an excellent idea. I'll start paddling some of the inland lakes around here. Maybe it is time to see how things are out at Lake Nemahbin.
As long as you're paddling. And one can't have too many interests. One can be growled at for being too obsessive, but surely that must be part of the attraction (?).
Kristen is correct. I am done with this "poor me" phase.
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