Rescue Me
I have two skin on frame boats, one of which I built and one from Peter Strand. I will paddle the former alone (near shore and with float bags...but I digress) because I have made it fit loosely and can wet exit it easily. But I wear my rolling machine and have to slither into it. I cannot quickly get out.
For the first time I heard this very problem addressed by the staff at camp along with warnings about paddling alone. There is always, of course, the Petrussen maneuver, but it requires (in a way) getting out of the cockpit (while the baggy Tuilik remains attached). One still has to re enter and roll if no one shows up to help.

If we are with someone and go over, the other paddler can turn us, even if we are unconscious and unable to assist in a bow rescue. This can be done from either end of the boat:

Paddle safe...
I am enjoying your Qajaq Camp series immensely! It's making me anxious to have my re-newed SOF back out on the water.
How about some pics of it?
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