Monday, December 22, 2008

As The Year Draws
To An End
I get nostalgic and lazy, and I like to think back over the past year to see what actually happened.
1 year ago Joe paid us a visit. During 2008
JB screwed around with video equipment. His best shot? Me pearling into icy water. So, I got away to Arizona.

Greg spent a lot of time in his basement. Every time he came out the sun was shining and he saw his shadow.
It was one of our harder winters (like this one might be).
Canoecopia helped break things up (as I hope it will this winter).

Yet, we managed to be continued

Paddle safe...


1 comment:

Captn O Dark 30 and Super Boo said...

No coffee mug? The essence of expression? Where dreams come from? Where adventure is born?

Oh ya... to be continued :-)