Monday, March 23, 2009

Here We Go
Time to think symposium(s). We did get onto the water yesterday, and some of us (okay, me) felt the rust. After such a poor winter season, during which we hardly could access the big lake, I didn't have the guns to power the Force 4 I was test paddling. There I was in a boat with a water line 10x that of my Romany (okay, 2 feet longer), and I had a tough time trying to keep up with the group. Something didn't feel right, and I believe it is time to let a real doctor check me out. Not to worry. There is time to rebuild the aerobic base. Besides, all the skills are still intact.

In any event, it is time to think about the notable events that will take place this spring and summer beginning with the Inland Sea Kayak Symposium up near the Apostle Islands (Lake Superior, or, as the natives call her, Gitcheegumee). In addition to all the usual lessons and demos and vendors, there will be short visits to some spectacular scenery. And, oh yes, Nigel Dennis is expected to attend.

It was only at Canoecopia that some of us learned from Honcho Gail that the ND of NDK boats will be giving an on land and on water set of lessons for certified instructors...for free. I ask you, does it get any better than that? I envision how proud he will be to see that I continue to paddle Brian Day's old Romany.

So, job nuber 1 is to getthe old bod checked out, and to get out onto the water andgradually extend my paddling times. Join me.

Paddle safe...


JohnB said...

Getting a second opinion, and sometimes a third, is the wise thing to do, but you didn't ask my opinion did you? Well, you got it anyway ;)

Cheers Mate!

DaveO said...

I touched base with Gail today. We will have to get an 'additional' paddle on the agenda and I know a couple spots.