Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dam It...
or not

You see these signs all around here, this one taken from my kayak while on the Milwaukee River. Just downstream from this sign is a dam that is actually a gate that is left open in winter and closed in summer to raise the river levels. Some want it entirely removed so the river can return to its natural state. Some, especially owners of river front homes, don't want to see the river turn into a creek leaving them high and dry.

Boat houses are already well above the water line, and some say that the dam was originally put in to return the river to its normal level after some construction process had lowered it. I don't know.

During my paddle, I discovered that, in fact, the gates were open and the water flowing freely...although there was the usual collection of garbage trapped at the walls.

If one scans just to the right, you can see what has washed down river to this sacred resting place.
I don't know what will happen, but they still haven't addressed the massive PCB collection on the bottom of this section of the river.

Paddle safe...

1 comment:

Captn O Dark 30 and Super Boo said...

It sad that I have had to add a mesh net / mesh and plastic bag to collect garbage cans and bottles on my paddles to my geaar list.

I've taken a random survey and looked into kayaks and canoes and have seen none of the items found in a canoe or kayak.

Which leaves fishing and pleasure boats and their owners as culprets (sp). or shore dewlers tossing items in.

I say heavy heavy fines. then a hundred or so hours of community service.

Sorry, but I am a bit annoyed.

The Capt'n