(cont'd from yesterday)
Yesterday, we established that JB and I did not paddle and that Greg was at Mark Roger's (Superior Kayaks) Traditional boat Rondevous (pic of suffering Greg on last posting). I did manage to get a few shots of this hearty and dedicated group, starting with their camp site at Pennisula State Park.

I was not around when they paddled...and they did...or when they rolled...and they did that too.
But I was there as they discussed the seal hunt and the diminishing ice flow.And when the lumber barons did their thing. Mark also had some of his carbon paddles on display, and there were lots of his kit boats which I will try to show in future blogs.
But most of the time (part III), JB and I did what he insists was a circumnavigation of the Door County Pennisula. And we did it the hard way.
(to be cont'd)
Paddle safe...
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