Wednesday, December 17, 2008

As Predicted
We bloggers are beginning to write about pool sessions. What the heck, the shore line here is icing up, heavy snow is expected, etc., etc.. Besides, a nice warm pool session is a neat way to spend an evening, beat the winter blahs while working on rolls and rescues. The limited space does not allow one to work on strokes unless they use some type of bungee cord arrangements. Although apparently a benign environment, some preparation and cautions are in order just as with any other type of paddling.
1. Wash the boat and consider rinsing out the cockpit with a dilute bleach solution (then rinse that out with clear water).
2. Dress a bit warmer than you think is necessary. I am always amazed at the number of shivering paddlers I see in the pool. I think it is due to frequent immersions while working on rolls, exits and the like. I often wear some Mysterioso stuff and even a light paddling top. After wards, a hot shower feels wonderful.
3. Use the shortest boat you have that will allow you to do what you want to work on. Most of our group are in white water crafts. After all, our hosts are the BS Squared or BSBS or Badger
State Boating Society composed mostly of river paddlers.
4. A helmet is not a bad idea. With hard edges all around and boats at close quarters, hitting one's noggin on something hard is likely to occur sooner or later.
5. Don't hog the pool. If more people show up than the pool can accommodate, meet up and work out who is going to go in first. I seldom have stayed in the pool for the entire session, even when there is plenty of room. As we tend to do things faster and with less rest in between, an hour's workout can leave one exhausted.
6. Rinse off neoprene and other clothing since there will be chlorine in the pool water (some pools have an oxygen system and this is not required) I wear all my stuff into the shower and rinse each layer as I take it off.
7. If there is a swimming area separated by a line with floats, stay well away from the boundary. It is too easy to swing your stern or paddle into their lane and to cause injury. These swimmers are generally doing laps and are not watching what you are doing.
8. Take your clothes into the house when you get home or they will freeze.
9. Finally, take pictures. You may want to blog about it all.

Paddle safely...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just love seeing your pictures of kayaks in the snow, theres something exciting about them , something that we here in warmer climes just cant understand. Keep posting