Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"It's A Wonderful Life"
That, of course, is the name of a radio play that often gets aired this time of year. Basically, it is about a man named George who feels his life is falling apart (the details are not important). He meets up with an angel (who is working on getting his wings) and tells this angel that he (George)wishes he had never been born. The angel then shows George how the world would be if he really had never been born. Think about that. Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if you had never been born? I have.
I would never have met Lady Linda.
Because of that, I would never have had two wonderful daughters.Or a grandson.
Or two wonderful sons in law and a
wonderful puppy. I never would have wandered into Rutabagas and met JB and gotten into kayaking and met all the wonderful folks I now count among my friends.
I would never have become a physician and had the privilege of working with so many wonderful people and experiencing the incredibly humbling experience of saving a human life. I would never have never been a jazz musician and known the meditative-like spell of being lost in a world of sound. And, I would never have picked up a camera and learned to see all the beauty in the world around me.
So, I live and laugh and love and thoroughly enjoy this wonderful life that has been given to me, and my wish is that each of you will Cherish the good things in your matter what your circumstances. The secular year draws to an end. Various religions are celebrating their miracles. There is a sense of renewal in the air. Now is the time to live.


Paddle safe...



JohnB said...

To life!

canoelover said...

Amen. I'll tell you my George Bailey story someday. It's one of the reasons I married Stephanie. :-)

avital said...

We say in Hebrew- (a transelation) -The one who dosn't believe in miracles - is not a realistic person...
Just look and find some...
Happy Hanuka, Happy New YEAR!!!!

Silbs said...

I'd like to hear that story about you and Stephanie.
Avital, I love the saying. Thanks.

DaveO said...

Cheers. Carpe diem in 2009!

Tony said...

Excellent post. It is a wonderful life, the key is to realize that every day. Time is money they say; spend it wisely as unlike money you can't earn more time.

Tony :-)