-27F Chill Factor
I just walked Ansel (it was a quick walk,,,but I digress) and had to wear 14 layers of clothes. It is Sunday...wait, it is Super Bowl Sunday, and there is hot coffee at Bella's where some of the local paddlers will be meeting soon. I'm taking the rest of the day off...starting now.
Paddle safe...
Gee... almost balmy! We're looking at - 36°C with the wind chill (about the same in °F). Time to start looking for the long pants...
I notice that Derrick no longer thinks of us as kayakers as we didn't make the cut on his new page listing the best kayak-bloggers (although you still seem to be listed as a friend...). Fame is so fleeting in this life... LOL
Start looking at long pants...LOL
Actually, I can't say mine is actually a kayak blog. It's more free association and therapy for me. But, you are correct, fame is fleeting. So, if I ever ex perience it, I will try and enjoy it quickly.
I got another chance! Derrick has graciously put me on his list. I'll probably be incapacitated for the next 24 hours for celebratory reasons. Ah, fame's warm glow is back!
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