Later that night...

Yesterday turned out better than I thought it would. After an encouraging e mail from Derrick, I headed out to a book store and then to meet JB for coffee. It snowed but, because there was little wind, I felt warm in my layers and ski jacket. Fate, unhappy with my lifting spirits, made sure that Lady Linda was ill with chills and aches by time I arrived back home.
She slept while daughter #2 and I talked and ate a light supper. Then, I re-bundled up and took Ansel for a walk. It was dark, but the light pollution bounced off the snow and the rime-like coating of salt on the roads (we have no street lights here...but I digress). We took our usual path and ended up about 200 yards from the house, where the road runs along a bend in the now frozen river. That's when Ansel froze, ears up and stared into the night. I followed his line of sight out onto the ice. Then, I saw them too.
First there was one, and I thought it might be a loose dog. Then another and another pranced out onto the ice. Coyotes. I seldom see more than one at a time, so we just stood there and watched. Ansel, of course, sent out a loud bark toward them, but they didn't seem to notice. He began tugging at the leash, wanting to go after them, maybe get in some play time. It wasn't to be.
As we made our way home, I was left with a feeling that everything was all right and just as it should be. I took heart in knowing the coyotes were still out there. All in all, it had been a decent day. I had seen a wood pecker and a cardinal earlier in the day, amazed at their ability to find food and survive in such temperatures. I briefly recalled, with mixed emotions, having read that the wolf population is thriving in Northern Wisconsin and may no longer be on the protected species list. I wondered how they will do now that farmers can shoot them.
Shortly after returning, I got a call about doing some kayak clinics, thanks to the kindness of JB. It was a sign for me. Spring would come and, The Creator willing, I will again find warm waters and--joy of joys--hold my grandson in May.
Paddle safe...
1 comment:
Sounds like 'Trail Magic' to me! Just being down never means you're out...
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